alright i feel a sense of randomness now so i'm just gonna blog any random shit that comes to my mind at this very instant.
dirty dancing was okay but i guess the dance wasn't naughty and dirty enough. the lead actress was rather big size compared to the actor who was scrawnny so they looked kinda mis-matched and weird together. i was so scared that the girl's too heavy for the guy to carry and that she'll fall on him or something. :/
ahh yes almost forgotten about vera. (: we spent the night eating, watching tv, laughing like mad women, talking about our lives and bitching away. haha so much for studying. wanted to mug but was too tired and lazy. anyway we watched some stephen chow's retarded movie which was showing at 1am and i was laughing my ass off because it was damn hilarious and guess what? vera hoe was snoring away. HAHAHA. funny woman man she. (: then she'll suddenly wake up and continue watching and fall asleep again. when the show ended which was around 3 plus, we decided to go to bed cos' we're damn tired but we continued talking and all. funny thing was she asked me some question and i was answering her so i talked for around 10 min and i only realised after that she was already fast asleep so i was practically talking to the air. :/ so that's vera but i love this friend of mine. :D babe sleepover at your house soon! (:

i want to go! :(
i want to go for anberlin too =( but no money.
haha yeah i got no money too. sad. ):
hehs, vera so cute one. well, you can always save up for it you know. it's not that ex. teehee. (:
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